Part 100: 12/28/09 - 12/30/09
Three days to go until the full moon and Ryoji's return. That's all we have left...
Iwatodai Dorm

Oh, don't worry about her. She's being treated as we speak.
Aigis is still pretty conspicuous by her absence at this point. She really did a lot of damage to herself before.

It's like they've all come to a realization or something.

Yeah, I agree.

I wonder if everyone's made up their minds...
We know that they have at this point. Even Koromaru had a mini-scene for it, albeit that one was optional.
When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars (
Reincarnation) /
Way of Life -Deep Inside My Mind-
Since we're not at school any more, we're incredibly limited in what we can do now. There's only one link available on days that aren't Sunday, so we'll be spending a lot of time going to the mall!
Since we're off there right away, we might as well go see what's going on in the Antiques Store...

If so, then they might not be so bad after all.

Well, fight hard. And if you get tired, please come see me.
Disappointingly, she doesn't have anything to say about the Old Documents. Maybe that'll happen later when her dialogue properly updates or something.

Worry about that later, though. For now, we have a lot of time to spend with Nozomi!

...then a turkey sandwich, a bag of chips, and half a BLT, but...
Only half?

I gotta have my rice!

Hmm... Think that's t-too many carbs? *urp* It pays to watch what you eat.

Today, a girl in my class asked about "that handsome guy you were eating with."
You've really got nothing to worry about there.

I guess you are like my little brother. ...The type of guy who gets all the girls, am I right?

Well once we're dead, we're all just bones. You can tell a handsome skeleton from an ugly one.

Ugh! Whenever I worry about that stuff, it gets my appetite going.

Hey waiter, how about one more tonkatsu special!

Did you know I'm a poet? Here, I'll write a senryu poem before the food gets here...
Senryu poetry is a 17 syllable poem, similar to a haiku. The difference between the two is that haiku are specifically about nature with seasonal references. Senryu are about humanity and touch on emotions.
See, Nozomi's the only link that's let us potentially learn something!

...*burp* st-stomach emergency!
One quick fade to blue later...
> Nozomi looks pale.

Oh, are you sick?

No, I'm fine, no worries...

I guess I'm normal after all. Everything except my weight, that is.

...That was probably more than you needed to know, huh! I'm normally not this rude...

Sorry, it won't happen again. I just wasn't thinking.
> Nozomi seems comfortable around you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

You can't eat once you're dead, so I always say it's best to take every chance you get!

Heh, just like my little brother!
> After finishing your meal with Nozomi, you decided to return to the dorm.
Iwatodai Dorm

Have you decided what you're going to say to Ryoji-kun?
We don't even need to say anything to him, really. It's just a question of whether or not we stab him when he walks through the door.
Narrator: Today, the lights in this toy store that have been on for 50 years have gone dark...
Newscaster: That concludes our special report. Next, today's news.
But, yeah, these days are mostly gonna be very, very brief for obvious reasons.

So, we'll just take it relatively easy for the time being since we can.

Though the time we have to do that is rapidly drawing to a close.
Middle-aged Man: You might consider not talking so loud. I could pick you out of a lineup if I were blind...
Middle-aged Man: My son gave you some money that was supposed to pay for his tutor. I'm tired of this whole situation, so let's resolve it and forget anything ever happened, okay?

S-Sir, I think there's been a misunderstanding here.

Your son was hiding in the park because he hates that tutor.
...Wait, hang on, what?

Right, Makoto?

Yeah, that's right.

See? Makoto thinks so too!
Middle-aged Man: You seem pretty calm today; what's wrong? Why don't you cower behind your friend there like last time?

You see, the reason you didn't know how your son was feeling is because you don't truly understand.

But don't take my word for it, Makoto will back me up on this one.
> Nozomi seems to trust you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
Oh God, I see where this is going.
...And I'm suddenly way more interested.
Middle-aged Man: Talking to you gives me a headache. My son is only in elementary school, and yet I'm shocked you were able to take his money. Your parents have my sympathy. There's a lot I would have to reconsider if my son were as snowed by this cult as you seem to be.

Well I didn't. And, I'm not as smart or as nice as him, either, so just deal with it.
> Nozomi seems pissed.
Middle-aged Man: Damn, kid... You have some problems. If you won't just own up to what you did, I'm just wasting my time. There are plenty of ways to resolve this.
Middle-aged Man: What you do is up to you, but I'm just glad I got to my son before it was too late. Best of luck...

I don't need to put up with your allegations! Don't come back!

...That encounter reminded me of how hungry I am. C'mon, let's find something to eat!
> After eating with Nozomi, you returned to the dorm.
Iwatodai Dorm

And I know we're gonna win.

I got so confused thinking about it, but then I figured it out...

Whatever Nyx is, all we have to do is kill it!
Remember how last time Junpei floated that idea, it got shut down because Nyx is unkillable? Fun times.

But yeah, there's still nothing else to today. It's fine, though.

We just have one final day to go...

I'll be right there.

Aigis is coming back today!

Misuru-senpai said her wounds have finally healed.

We're meeting in the lounge tonight. Don't forget, okay?

See ya!
Ah, finally. The day immediately after the deadline for Elizabeth's requests of the month is when Aigis comes back.
Iwatodai Dorm

Aigis will be back tonight.
Mitsuru's the only one who comments on it, though. That is most peculiar.

Today's subject is a man in his 30s who dresses in very stylish suits.

...Next is news. This year, Apathy Syndrome must go away!
Katsuya Suou is the older brother of Tatsuya, and is a police officer. In Innocent Sin, he's a fairly minor NPC who works in investigating arson. In Eternal Punishment, he's a playable character who, of course, works in the homicide department primarily investigating JOKER. Really more important is that he really likes cats despite being allergic to 'em. That's dedication.
As you would no doubt expect, his primary Arcana is Justice. His initial Persona is Helios, and his ultimate Persona is Hyperion.

Nothing else to do in the dorm, or in town for that matter, so let's head right over to the mall and round out the day with Nozomi.

Crap! I must have counted wrong before. I'm one person short.

Well they can't make a fool out of me...

I'm not going to lose to my brother again!
> Nozomi began eating with abandon.

*burp* Hold on... I think--

...Uggh. Whoooaa!
Yet again, one fade to blue later...

...C'mon, Makoto! It's your job to laugh at the Gourmet King's dumb jokes! Ho ho!

I don't get it. I felt fine up until just a minute ago...

Are you feeling sick?

What are you getting at? I'm every bit as healthy as you. You think just cause I'm fat that I'm "sick"?

Don't you worry about me. I consider things like this trials, that's all.

You have to undergo certain hardships if you're to become worthy to enter the Paradise...

...Would you consider, uh... trying to enter the Paradise too?
Don't make it weird, Nozomi. I'm 100% down to hear about this cult (because that's always fun and interesting and generally good for a laugh), but I'm sure not gonna join any.
> Nozomi seems comfortable around you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

I'll have to tell you all about the Paradise next time!

As for today, why don't we focus on the ramen blessed upon us.

In fact, I think a big bowl of porridge might do me good. Waiter! How about some of your finest?
> You decided to return to the dorm after your meal with Nozomi.

Man, I'm glad to see you. I was getting nervous.

Me too. I was fearing the worst...

I'm a machine, so I can always be rebuilt.

Hey... Don't talk about yourself like that.

They said another week would be required for a complete recovery, but I had the process expedited.

...Tomorrow is New Year's Eve.

I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused...

Mitsuru-san visited me at the lab and told me everything...

That must have been difficult for you all to hear.

I mean, considering the circumstances...

I was worried about you.

I'm sorry. It's because I wasn't strong enough...

Ten years ago, I... What I did to you was...


You did the right thing.


Ryoji has presented you with a difficult choice...

Have you made your decision?

Yes, I have.

...I have a favor to ask of you.

Tomorrow, when Ryoji comes, please...
You can't see it here because he's behind Aigis' portrait, but Junpei is also surprised by this of course.

I can't bear to see everyone hurting like this!

Please choose to have your memories erased...!

Even if...

and everyone...

A-Aigis, what're you talking about!?

Yeah, this isn't like you.


What's wrong, Aigis?

Why...? Why did I come back here?
Living With Determination

But now, I know that I can't defeat them!

So then... why am I here?

I'm useless! I cannot even shed a tear for you all...!

Oh, Aigis...

What is the purpose of that!?

Why are you wasting your lives!?

We're not wasting our lives.


I... I don't understand. *sigh* It must be because I don't possess a "life"...

*laugh* This has nothing to do with having a life.

I'm a machine, a machine that was created to protect humans from Shadows.

But, I can't fulfill that mission with the powers I was given...

So then, what is my purpose now?

Could someone please tell me?

The only one who can tell you what your purpose is, is you.

That's why we're having such a hard time making our decision. There's just no easy answer.

But as long as we're alive, we have to do something...

When we see others hurting, we want to help them.

So that's our purpose.
Gotta admit, I didn't expect that to come from Junpei.

I want to protect you... I don't want to forget about you.


There are times when you will lose sight of your goal, and you will have to search for it.

But if you can't find it again, then you must set your heart on a new goal.

Do you think I can do that? Do you think I can change?

Yes. I mean, you've changed so much already. ...Haven't you noticed?

In fact, you're changing even as we speak.

I know what my purpose is...

And the one who has given me this new purpose is... me.


This is the promise I've made to myself.

I don't know how I'll do it... but I guess that is a part of living, too.

Of course! You've always been one of us.

...Thank you!

I will be with you all... matter what happens...!
The Path Is Open
Iwatodai Dorm

They said she's more "human."

All we need is for Ryoji to show up.

She looks so... different... she's human.

She seems totally different now...

My destination lies in the decision we make.

Let's choose wisely.

She changed from a robot to a human being.

She used to be so formal...

But now, she's like a big sister...
I... feel like Ken has said that exact same thing before. About Aigis, even.

She's so... "human" now.

Do you think I'll still be able to talk to her like I did before?
Real quick before we decide what to do about Ryoji (as if it's even a real choice let's be honest)...

Athena's pretty noteworthy for nullifying a Physical element I guess. More notable is that Palladion's next skill was Matarukaja at level 60. Athena adds Diarahan (for some reason) at... level 59. How peculiar!
Ah well, that's just a neat thing that's easy to not notice. Or really care about, for that matter.
What we should care about is what we're gonna do tomorrow. Hrm...